Monday 19 December 2011


My feature about a cruise around Patagonia was published in yesterday's Mail on Sunday, check it out here!


  1. Wow your cruise sounds like it was awesome! I have been trying to convince my wife on taking a cruise around cape horn and the surrounding areas because of the beautiful scenery. It's so cool that your job allows you to travel the world and write about it!

  2. Wow im excited about going on a cruise I never been on. I always wanted to go toPatagonia i want to understand their culture and their way of living I hope you cruise stops or goes by there.

  3. The kind of cruise that goes all the way down towards Antarctica seems interesting to me, but it also seems like it will be really cold. However, your trip sounded amazing, if you drop the cruises to hot sandy beaches and endless oceans with great weather, and check out these winter-like cruises, then that is something worth doing. I can not wait to start booking my Patagonia Trips. I really want to go see the whales also, I hear the whale watching is the ultimate best down there with the clear calm waters.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments!
